LitLinks for Aug. 30, 2019
Based on what you all have been clicking the past few weeks, there's one type of link you like to see: reading lists.
So that's what I'll give you in this weekly wrap-up. But if I see something special that I think you'll enjoy, I'll still include it.

Like, for example, the trailer for the upcoming Apple TV+ show Dickinson. It's, um, Emily Dickinson like you probably haven't imagined her.
Also, this week E.R. Ramzipoor released her first novel, The Ventriloquists (paid link). Here's my interview with Ramzipoor. (And consider supporting E.R. by buying her book.)
And you can get caught up on the LitWire here.
Lastly, don't keep Bidwell Hollow to yourself. Maybe share it with your book club?
Down and Dirty Dickinson
Lit Lists
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