Dear Reader,
You may have noticed you’ve not received a Bidwell Hollow email these past few weeks. Nothing’s wrong, quite the opposite. My freelance writing business is taking off, which is terrific because I can earn a living doing what I love to do.
The downside is that I couldn’t keep up with this newsletter.
So, I’ve called in reinforcements. Other writers will now help write the Today in Literary History emails that go out on Mondays. This change continues Bidwell Hollow, and it exposes you to work by talented folks. You can still expect highly researched stories about notable writers and literary events, but more than one writer will write them.
Having help also frees me to focus on other stuff you enjoy, such as the Friday Book List emails and writer interviews. I can resume running Bidwell Hollow’s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest). Plus, we do better work as a team than an individual.
Your book lists are below, you can start enjoying the new-and-improved Today in Literary History emails tomorrow, and next week resumes the biweekly writer interviews. Welcome back to the Hollow!
Thanks for reading,
P.S. Paid subscriptions are currently turned off. This change means the Today in Literary History emails are available for all subscribers, and premium subscribers are not getting charged by Bidwell Hollow. I want everyone to have an opportunity to read the new-and-improved Bidwell Hollow, and I owe you something following my absence. I’ll let you know when paid subscriptions will resume.
The first time you’re seeing Bidwell Hollow? You can subscribe below.
Fall Book Lists
The 11 Best Books of Fall (The Wall Street Journal)
9 Books for Fall to Get You Through a Year Like No Other (WBUR)
12 Books for Your Fall List (Wahoo Newspaper/Chicago Tribune)
10 Important, Insightful and Interesting Books for Fall Reading (Forbes)
17 New Books to Watch for in October (The New York Times)
Sign of the Times Book Lists
Six Books to Read About Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (USA Today)
8 Picture Books About Ordinary Kids’ Everyday Activism (The New York Times)
Best of the Rest
The Best Books Featuring Black Children in the Outdoors (Outdoor)
Five Books Where Assuming Aliens Are Just Like You Might Get You Killed (
Top Ten Books About Social Media (The Guardian)