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Bidwell Hollow passed a milestone this week. There are now more than 3,000 subscribers to this newsletter!
Sure, that’s not a lot compared with some newsletters. But I remember when this thing started two years ago. My dream back then was to get 100 subscribers.
Some of you have been here since the beginning. And some of you are new. I appreciate you no matter when you became a reader.
Bidwell Hollow is my passion project, a newsletter I hope brings you some joy, inspiration, and books for your to-be-read pile. That you willingly get this email means the world to me.
Thank you,
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New Books Book Lists
Ten Books to Read in July (New Hampshire Union Leader)
19 New Books for July (Musing)
5 Great New Genre-Bending Nonfiction Books (Book Riot)
July’s Most Anticipated LGBTQ Books (Lambda Literary)
9 New Books We Recommend This Week (The New York Times)
2020 Book Lists
The 10 Best Books of 2020 So Far, According to Amazon’s Editors (Business Insider)
Best of the Rest
Top 10 Books About Tumultuous Times (The Guardian)
8 Picture Books That Let Young Minds Wonder and Wander on Their Own (The New York Times)
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