Hi Reader,
First, Happy Passover and Easter to those who celebrate. My husband and I did our first virtual Passover Seder on Wednesday. We’ll do our second one tomorrow night, and I hope to do an Easter Skype call with my family this weekend.
In other news, I’m on the board of a local Washington, DC, arts organization called Day Eight. Each year, we host the DC Poet Project that awards a publishing contract to a local poet. Usually, the final competition is a public reading, but we’ve moved it online due to COVID-19.
The good news is, you can vote for the winner of the 2020 DC Poet Project. All you need is a Facebook account. Here’s how:
Visit the Day Eight Facebook page on April 18.
Watch video readings from four poet contestants.
Like the reading you enjoy most.
The poet whose video gets the most Facebook likes will win the 2020 DC Poet Project and receive a $1,000 contract to publish a collection of their poetry. You can RSVP to the event on Facebook so you don’t forget. Thank you in advance!
And thanks for reading,
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